février, 2022

202221fev11 h 00 minFantoches, Menuet, Tarentelle - Divertimento corsica - Concerto de trompette


“En passant par la Corse et la Sardaigne”

By Denisa Kerschova

Fantoches, Menuet, Tarentelle by Emilie Capulet, piano

Divertimento corsica (Paghiella, La foire du Niolo) by the Hamburg Reed Trio and the German Strings, conducted by Olivier Tardy, with Nicolas Thiébaud, oboe – Christian Kunert, bassoon – Rupert Wachter, clarinet

Trumpet Concerto (Allegro, Nocturne) by the Philharmonia Orchestra, conducted by Esa-Pekka Salonen, with Wynton Marsalys, trumpet

Radio-France website


(Lundi) 11 h 00 min


Radio France Musique - Emission Allegretto